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High Frequency Healing Art™ is a meditative process of creating abstract art with the intent to release lower frequency energy and emotions a person in holding in their energy field. When these lower frequencies, (sadness, grief, anger) are released onto the canvas, higher levels of energy begin to move into the body and energy field (joy, ease, acceptance), and allow the person to begin to heal and move toward the natural state of joy. No artistic ability is required. This technique has an emphasis more on the process and creation of the art vs. the finished product.
The art process activates the subconscious mind, which consists of memories and programming from the past. The subconscious mind holds our patterns, habits and belief systems. We use this part of the mind 95% throughout our day. Scientists report we only use 5% of our conscious mind daily.
When you create, the mind begins to reprogram the subconscious mind in 6 steps:
These steps enable the formation of new patterns, habits and beliefs to be the way the subconsciousness mind now operates. Feelings of completion and achievement form new neural networks in the brain. The positive feeling of completion brings about higher frequency emotions, creating greater satisfaction.
These new neural networks replace the old ones attached to your past. The brain will no longer recognize the old pattern and, at the very least, will neutralize your past experience.
This process will not erase your memories, but it will allow you to revisit your past in a more neutral and non-reactive way. Creating a higher frequency emotion allows the lower frequency memory of a person, place, thing or event to become powerless over you.
Now you are ready to start your artistic journey, and if you have any doubts about your artistic ability, keep in mind this inspirational quote a healer once said to me, "People don't need to understand you; they just need to feel inspired by you."
There's much to see and feel here. So, take your time, look around, and be prepared to experience a healing while browsing. My art is created with the intent to heal the person viewing the art. There are strong healing frequencies embedded inside of my art. I use my well-developed skills of intuition and psychic abilities to see into the future and tap into the person’s essence that needs a painting. I do not know who exactly will buy each piece, but I can feel at the soul level who I am painting for and which frequencies they need in order for them heal. Each piece of art is also tuned to a healing sound frequency using a variety of sound healing equipment.
As you browse the art on my site, notice how you begin to feel, notice which paintings you are drawn to, notice how your body begins to feel and any thoughts or emotions that arise. If you are meant to purchase a painting, you will feel it very strongly and will have an internal knowing that it must come to live with you. Since no one person is alike, every painting is an original and never replicated.
This is my current art studio at home. I turned a section of my basement into an art cave. Having a dedicated space, with all of your art supplies spread out before you, really sets the tone for you to return to this space to create your art.
If you have an art studio at home, then meet me on Zoom. If creating a space for art in your home is next to impossible, then come to my wellness studio and attend a class in person.
Experience the 6 steps, 7 stages and 3 layers of the High Frequency Healing Art™ process. It is time for you to take charge of your healing today!
I always enjoyed art and was semi-decent at assignments that were given to me in High School and College art classes. In my early 20's, I dabbled with acrylic paints, but it didn't go any further than a few paint and sips, until March of 2020. I was one of the people who actually enjoyed the pandemic lockdown. My birthday falls in the middle of April, and that year I added a nice acrylic art set to my Amazon Prime list and my Dad bought it for me for my birthday. With not a whole lot to do, and every closet and cabinet in my apartment rearranged, cleaned out and organized, I decided to take out my paints and have a little fun.
Five months prior to the lockdown, my mother was killed crossing a highway late at night, which left little time for me to process my grief before the pandemic hit. At that time, I had more than two decades of experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, providing mental health counseling to more than 125 clients a month. My business was forced to move to a virtual platform, and my will to continue providing therapy after my Mom died was diminishing by the day. I needed to rest after my mother's death, and my grief was only compounded by the global pandemic. Like most first responders, I ended up helping others ahead of helping myself. This grief hiatus eventually made my own grief turn inward into my physical body. Mid-January of 2021, I went from having a healthy body and seeing my doctor once a year, to a body experiencing sharp pains in the chest and left breast, the inability to take deep breaths, high blood pressure and multiple visits to the ER. I went into a panic, sought out medical evaluations from three emergency rooms, one emergent care, a functional medicine doctor, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist and an ENT, and every one of them told me my results were “normal." A relief, yet also confusing words to hear.
I was desperate to find answers, but my intuition knew that my symptoms were related to my unprocessed grief and not anything seriously medically wrong with my body. Around this time, I was filming a virtual festival held in Vancouver, Canada with my other company, Path 11 Productions. I met one of the presenters, Joseph Ghabi, a master healer and numerologist. I was drawn to learn more about his offerings after I saw his lecture at this conference. I ended up taking a 14-week Soul Awakening program (twice) to help process my grief and hopefully get to the bottom of what was happening with my physical body. In this class, I consulted Joseph about my physical symptoms, hoping he would give me a healing, but instead, he said, "What you are experiencing is just an illusion. Nothing is wrong with you. Put your grief into a painting and release the emotions you are carrying inside. It's your choice."
So, I did just that. My first painting was born, and I hated it, but it helped me to release the grief I was holding in my chest and lungs. About 48 hours after I painted my crying lungs, my breathing started to improve, the weight on my chest lifted, I no longer needed to use an inhaler, and my lungs eventually cleared completely. I wasn’t sure what had happened and wasn’t sure I could really trust it was the act of painting that healed this mysterious condition, but that was the only thing I did differently. I thought to myself, "Could it be that easy?"
Once my lungs cleared up, I decided to tackle the next burning pain I had in my left shoulder. The nerves in my shoulder that ran down my spine burned like none other. I was in so much pain the day of my Zoom class with Joseph that I couldn't turn on my camera and be seen. I sat in a chair in my office, took out my pastels and just started to draw while he taught the class. As I began drawing, the pain began to lessen. My class was two hours long, and by the end of the class, the pain went from a 10 down to a 3 and felt manageable.
Again, my body healed after creating art. After this second attempt at alleviating my pain through art, I suspended my skepticism and began to hold meditative art classes for people. Over the next two years, I began to experiment more with my art and created the High Frequency Healing Art™ technique. I continued to witness more miraculous healings happening for others through my art classes. This led me to take more art classes with Joseph and other instructors. I now combine the techniques I learned from these classes, my 20+ years of clinical expertise in the mental health field, my 30+ years of healing and intuitive work, and my newfound love for sound healing into the technique of High Frequency Healing Art™.
I found abstract art to be freeing and limitless, and you will too. All you need is a willingness to want to heal and the intent to find your inner joy. When you begin this process, you will learn quickly that your healing is in your control and feeling joyful is your choice. You are the only one who can choose joy, peace and love for yourself. It is your responsibility to cultivate these high frequency emotions into your life, and the High Frequency Healing Art™ technique makes this easy to do. When you take a class, I will teach you how to incorporate healing frequencies into your art, and if you'd like me to paint a piece for you, we can set up a meeting to discuss how my commissioned paintings are created just for you.
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